


1、月饼制作英语短文加译:Filling Instctions: Soak d beans in water to cover 2 hours Drn and scard t water Cover with 8 cups fsh water and bring to a il。

2、月饼制作完,有兴趣一试!译文: ke to eat on cakes? Let me teach how to make bean ste on cakes!T gh into all b nd, d bean ste, bean ste b into a nd spe, egg yolk bag into t d bean ste。

3、文:Suzhou snacks incde Suzhou-style on cakes with fsh meat, dried bean curd in honey sauce, pint candy, Auzhouz nood, dried bean curd in Suzhou sauce, be me cakes。

4、三英语作文 篇1 T Mid-aumn Festival is and t corner As a tration of Mid-aumn Festival, on cake is popur ring this period tt is t neceity for this festival Pviously, people often made on cake by tmlves。

5、《小吃》英语作文 篇一:Chine Dumplings a a well-known in Chine cuine T all, delicate balls of gh a filled with various comnations of meat and vegetab。

6、how to make on cake是做月饼,要写月饼制作方,吃月饼是做事情,做月饼要请教家里长辈。


1、Ty in t Mid-Aumn Festival alone ouide, tting alone at t winw, holng t on cake, still look up at t ll on, t art ld be how lonely, how to and tir loved ones togetr to celebrate t Mid-Aumn Festival节是华传节日。

2、corn oil, 25 grams Fillings: ut 400 grams bean ste filling, salted egg llow 1 e fence compot: ghing ut 75 grams of t rce of t on cake 10 bsh liquid: egg yolk。

3、ty often enjoy t ll on which is nd and brightT otr tration of d-aumn festival is eating on cakeMoon cake is t eential of tt day,which means uonAs time goes by,t a various kinds of on cakes。

4、T oncake is a food tt people will eat it on Mid-aum-day(节)Mooncakes ve been mth sweet of (坚果),and so on()whd people eat oncake on Mid-aum-day? Beacu in In ancient(古代)。

5、节分英语作文带译(12篇)【篇一】  Mid Aumn Festival is a trational festival of ChinaIt ud to be as import as Spring FestivalIt is ually celebrated in September or OctoberThis festival is to celebrate t rvest and to enjoy t beautil on lightTo some 。

6、译文: ke to eat on cakes? Let me teach how to make bean ste on cakes!T gh into all b nd, d bean ste, bean ste b into a nd spe, egg yolk bag into t d bean ste, ndedPut in t center of a ce squad。

7、As a tration of Mid-aumn Festival, on cake is popur ring this period tt is t neceity for this festival Pviously, people often made on cake by tmlves, but now st people buy it from market As time goes by。


1、《粽子》英语作文 篇一:T Dragon Boat Festival is a trational Chine festival w people celebrate by eating zong, which a delicious riceplings Zong ade by skilllly wring gtinous rice and various fillings inde bamo lees T fillings can be sweet。

2、tritional vae Ually, st-food is rich in gar, so tt gurly eat st-food may cau obetyFast-food is only a good choice wn a in a rry and t to it once in a while But for people, eecially ldn。


4、This sh is made of ne mn ingn: fish, cooking wine, pin, pepper, tomato sauce, salt and vinegar这道菜是用鱼、料酒、子、椒、番茄酱、盐醋等9种食材做。

5、I know it’s hot potHot pot is a Chine tastel folk shNo matter in t northor in t south,people like hot pot very much and every gion s i local feasFor example,Sin hot pot is hot while Guang hot pot is us for i fshUally。






1、t any popur s to choo from。

2、文:Suzhou snacks incde Suzhou-style on cakes with fsh meat, dried bean curd in honey sauce, pint candy, Auzhouz nood, dried bean curd in Suzhou sauce, be me cakes。

3、文:Suzhou snacks incde Suzhou-style on cakes with fsh meat, dried bean curd in honey sauce, pint candy, Auzhouz nood, dried bean curd in Suzhou sauce, be me cakes。


1、三英语作文 篇1 Since t College Eance Exaations a roang, and Seor T sden find tmlves under gat ps now Some find it fficult to ll asleep, some ve a poor etite, and otrs a afrd of exams As a lt。

2、in t leastT ar will be life ting pointAt t end of t term,I am to graate from schoolI want to rtr lf on ecialty,and I';m going to gister lf for t to UvertyTfor。

3、三英语作文 篇1 October 12, 20, Monday Fine It is uversally acknowledged tt Seor T is unbtedly a critical p of life T school life is busy。


5、Finally, active friends ast like beautil nne Ty cght up our be od, drive away t dark clouds and give us courageFriends who ve ve t racteristics will be gat wealth for us三年英语作文文 He comes t mmer holiday。

6、三英语作文文(选8篇) 篇一:三英语作文文(选8篇) How time fs, tng of an e, hy winter vacation life is cog to an end, to view t whole winter holiday, I think I d a hy and bstial Just on holiday soon, our whole ly to a cleang。


1、T white syp, alkaline water, oil, flour, ttle t of integration, and into t gh Flour, white syp, alkaline, oil ratio was 5:4:1:Put a good ce pulling into t samze of t gh。

2、Mooncake is a Chineakery proct trationally eaten ring t Mid-Aumn FestivalPeople ually eat oncake with tir s and friendsTvide t oncakes into four or pieces and s it with otrsA rich thick filling ually made from d beanor los ed 。

3、月饼英文小短文篇一:T Mid-Aumn Festival is one of China';s trational festivals, ually celebrated in September or October During this festival, ly members come togetr to enjoy oncakes T a various types of oncakes, ch as bean ste, egg yolk。

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