


1、包粽子译为英语是:make rice mplings 词汇 make 英 [meɪk] 美 [mek]vt ;进行;布置,。

2、I want to learn how to make mplings( cket mplings )

3、粽子英语 Zong 粽子相关英语例句 Later, t evotion of ch activities, to now bee t mplings这种活动演化, 就粽子 We can eat rice mplings and go to watch at races吃粽子。

4、粽子Dragon at festival mplings包粽子= cooking for t Dragon at festival mplings



2、粽子英文:rice mplings ;Trational Chine rice-pudng rice 读 英 [raɪs] 美 [raɪs]n(名词) ;饭;稻 短语 sk rice碾 cook rice煮饭 grow rice种稻 rvest rice收割稻子 ve rice吃饭 。

3、粽子英语单词是:mpling 粽子还用 trational Chine rice-pudng ; rice mpling; a pyrad-sped mpde of gtinous rice wd in bamo or ed lees来表达。粽子英文单词例句:Ty eat sweet rice mplings and salty rice mplings 吃甜味粽子咸味粽子。

4、粽子 trational Chine rice-pudng 词典释义 zong trational Chine rice-pudng

5、粽子英文是rice mpling。释义:粽子;圆;肉粽。读音:英[raɪs ˈdʌmplɪŋ]美[raɪs ˈdʌmplɪŋ]。用:作名词:为“粽子、肉粽”。复数:rice mplings。

6、“粽子”英文是ZongZong(参考说, rice mplings。)文英文译都是汉语拼音直译,粽子。粽籺(zòng ),俗称“粽子”,古称“角黍”、“裹蒸”、“包”、“筒粽”等。


1、Wash t gtinous rice, soak 3 hours sdby 2 fsh bamo lees (wash Zong if it is dry on t first day to bule, Zong soaked), pick out t complepy good backup。

2、包粽子译为英语是:make rice mplings 词汇 make 英 [meɪk] 美 [mek]vt ;进行;布置,。

3、Make rice mplings 包粽子;[例句]Trationally, Chine people make zong ( gtinous rice mplings) and eat tm at home to celebrate this festival传,人都会在家里包粽子吃来这一节日。


1、Make rice mplings 包粽子;[例句]Trationally, Chine people make zong ( gtinous rice mplings) and eat tm at home to celebrate this festival传,人都会在家里包粽子吃来这一节日。

2、包粽子:make rice mplings

3、包粽子 making mplings cket mplings 例: 对人,端午节是童年时一美记忆;包粽子,喝雄酒For y people, t Dragon Boat Festival is nderl ldhood mery; cket mplings。


1、会包粽子?Can ke zong( trational Chine rice pudng)?

2、包粽子用英文译:make rice mplings 。希望对有。

3、to wrap rice mplings

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