


1、,闽、浙、湘、徽等地方菜出名。Later, Fu, Z, Hunan, Hui and otr local s graally came out of tme“八大菜系”,菜、川菜、粤菜、菜、闽菜、浙菜、湘菜、徽菜。

2、Mapo , a clic sh from Sicn cuine, is nowned for i ld fvors(婆豆腐是川菜典菜肴,浓口感著称。

3、Sicn cuine By t te Qin and early Han period, Cn cuine d bacally been establid During t Tang and Song Dynasties, it t thgh a rapid development Tn in t Ming and Qing Dynasties, it d enjod a gat putation Now。

4、Mapo , one of cn';s trational s, belongs to cn cuine(婆豆腐,是四川省传名菜,川菜。


1、炒鸡英语:Fried Chicken 展:炒鸡是一道地方菜系美食,家菜,鸡肉料,辅多种调料配菜制。口感香、嫩、入口化,是深受喜美味佳肴。据传炒鸡起源追溯古代,招待贵客或祭品。

2、咕老肉-SWEETAND SOUR CHICKEN/PORK 脆虾-SHRIMP IN HOT SAUCE 香酥鸭-CRISPY DUCK 樟茶鸭-OKED TEA DUCK 什锦炒饭-RNBOW FRIED RICE 香辣小虾-HOTAND SPICY YES 粥类 三味粥-T Fvors Porridge 肉虾球粥-Beef & Shrimp Porridge 蛋肉粥-Beef & Thousand Year Old Egg 。

3、How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes Scrambled egg with tomato is a home-cooked food, it th delicious and easy to scrambled egg with tomato need raw materials ve a tomato, t eggs。


1、炒鸡英语:Fried Chicken 展:炒鸡是一道地方菜系美食,家菜,鸡肉料,辅多种调料配菜制。口感香、嫩、入口化,是深受喜美味佳肴。据传炒鸡起源追溯古代,招待贵客或祭品。

2、Mapo , one of cn';s trational s, belongs to cn cuine(婆豆腐,是四川省传名菜,川菜。

3、柿炒鸡蛋(英文名:Scrambled eggs with tomatoes)原料:鸡蛋3个,柿克,植物油4匙,盐、味适量,糖1匙。制作过程:把柿洗净后用沸水烫,去、去蒂,切片待用。把鸡蛋打入碗,加盐,用筷子搅打均匀待用。

4、水煮肉片(Poacd icy slices of pork):这是一道地创名菜,起源自,发扬南,川菜家菜。因肉片未划油,水煮熟故名水煮肉片。水煮肉片肉味香辣,软嫩,易嚼。吃时肉嫩菜,油亮,辣味浓,宜下饭,为家美食。是“、辣、、香”。

5、烧鱼是一道营养家菜肴,适合年龄人食用。Brd fish is a tritious home-stylsh itable for people of all ages鱼类肉质嫩,口感美味,富含蛋白质、钙、维生素等多种营养分,对体健康有益。

6、Curd with Fish( Shdded Pork with Garlic Sauce )raw materials:lean pork-meat(猪瘦肉), dried slices of tender bamo shoo(水发玉兰片) 50gram,agaric(木耳) 25gram,sllot(葱) 25gram, 克用g garlic(蒜) 15g,ginger() 10g,piento(辣椒) 25g,salt 1g,gar 15g。

7、Mapo , a clic sh from Sicn cuine, is nowned for i ld fvors(婆豆腐是川菜典菜肴,浓口感著称。


1、Sicn cuine By t te Qin and early Han period, Cn cuine d bacally been establid During t Tang and Song Dynasties, it t thgh a rapid development Tn in t Ming and Qing Dynasties, it d enjod a gat putation Now。


3、27年5月,美《GQ》杂志发布餐饮品大BttMartin出炉“美27餐饮排行榜”,位休斯敦PepperTwins双椒川菜馆招凉菜“夫肺片”荣登榜,被评选为“年度开胃菜”(Appetizer of t Year)。



2、八大菜系:1,菜Sn cuine 菜讲究原料质地优良,盐提,壮,调味讲求咸纯,本味。容华贵、大气、。

3、Eight Cuines 八大菜系: Sn Cuine 菜 :选料细、刀细腻,注重实惠,色多样,善用葱。 Ani Cuine 徽菜 :它烹制珍野味著称,擅长烧、炖、蒸,而少炒。烹饪芡大、油重、色浓、朴素实惠。

4、eight gional cuines:8大菜系 Sicn cuine 川菜 ; Guang cuine 粤菜。


6、T a eight mn gional cuines, or Eight Gat Trations (八大菜系): Ani, Cantone, Fu, Hunan, Jiang, Sn, Sicn, and Z Ang tm, Cantone, Sicn, Sn。

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