


1、1,Pick r vorite type of badWhite,wat,wholegrn,or rIt can also be a roll,or pita badYou need 2 whole slices of bad to make a ll sandwich and can u one slice to make lf dwichYou can also toast r bad,面包。

2、and a tomato S added tm to t bad Tn put some letce and four slices of beef on t bad Next put t teons of lish on t beef Finally。

3、做三明治 Proction of raw materials is 3 pieces of bad, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of thin m, butter 10gramsProction method is a slice of bad ld be slightly thicker, first put into t oven to llowish, ; beat t egg, put ttle butter in a frg n。


1、Today I';m going to make dwich for 就来给来做三明治。


3、制作三明治 How to made t sandwich ,要去面包店买现面包,,现肉。At first,plea gonna t bakery buy t bad,and ter gonna trket ught t cucumber,and still ld buy t meat,回家煎个荷包蛋。

4、a some steps to lp to make dwich Firstly, put a teon ofbutter on a slice of bad condly, cut up an oon and a tomato added tm to t bad Thirdly, put some letce and four slices of beefon t bad fourthly。


6、Last Sunday I t to e aunt with brotr My aunt made some beef sandwics for us Ty we very delicious After nch, I asked aunt to teach me how to make a beef sandwichFirst, put a teon of butter on a slice of bad After tt。


1、It is quite coeent to ve dwich for a nch or wnever we a ngry It ems easy to ve dwich from rket or from a corner shop But it is not strgorward to make one as I I enjod all proce of making dwich!


3、a some steps to lp to make dwich Firstly, put a teon ofbutter on a slice of bad condly, cut up an oon and a tomato added tm to t bad Thirdly, put some letce and four slices of beefon t bad fourthly。

4、做三明治 Proction of raw materials is 3 pieces of bad, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of thin m, butter 10gramsProction method is a slice of bad ld be slightly thicker, first put into t oven to llowish, ; beat t egg, put ttle butter in a frg n。


1、by t way,all t sauce sage a accorng to r ffent tastenow can enjoy r delicious DIY food在做三明治,需要面包片,酱油,萨尔萨,鸡肉,蔬菜,或大或小,选择是喜好。,得炒鸡是生吃。,把萨尔萨两片面包。

2、First put some yogurt ween t pieces of toast and with honeyTo add some viin into t sandwich,i ggest to cut up t le into pieces and sandwich tm ween t toasOh。

3、做三明治 Proction of raw materials is 3 pieces of bad, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of thin m, butter 10gramsProction method is a slice of bad ld be slightly thicker, first put into t oven to llowish, ; beat t egg, put ttle butter in a frg n。

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